On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Sebastian Schneider
<schneider@dvz.fh-aachen.de> wrote:
Hello Joram!
Joram Barrez schrieb:
Currently, only jBPM3 is supported by Red Hat, through the SOA-P. So if you buy a SOA-P subscription today, you have coverage for the next 5 years (I think it is 5, at least).
We're debating internally how to get jBPM4 supported, but do note that this will probably take some time before this is sorted out and poured into a platform.
IMHO single jBPM4 support would be very interesting - without the SOA-P. Maybe this would also be a good starting point to support jBPM4.
This is exactly what will change in the future. No framework will be supportable on its own by Red Hat, while the platforms will be. You must take in account the platform teams take the projects and do massive QA on them, including high-demanding performance testing. With just the 4 of us in the jBPM team, we simply can't pull this off while doing regular development.
The big question is. Which version do you chose if you start a project today or at the end of the year? And imagine you would be interested in all the new and shiny 4.x-features as well as in commercial support. jBPM4 releases are considered stable since they pass all tests of the test suite, right?
Yes. In fact, the quality of jBPM4 surpasses that of jBPM3 on many levels. The QA stuff that has been built out in the last years really makes a difference.
Currently, it is unknown how and when jBPM4 will be supported. I've included Burr Sutter in the discussion, he should be able to tell you more about it.
Are there possibilities for remittance work from JBoss resp. RedHat?
Imagine you want to have a specific bug being fixed in limited time or a specific feature being implemented?
Sebastian Schneider
bonding Hochschulgruppe Aachen (inactive member, future alumni)
FH Aachen - Aachen University of Applied Sciences
ERASMUS 2008/2009 Faculté des Sciences - Université Montpellier II