?? You can include any @WorkbenchScreen into a perspective: 


There is the one that you are asking for. You can include that inside a specific perspective and add the specific width that you need there. 


On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Akila Rathnayake <akila.senarath@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Akila Rathnayake <akila.senarath@gmail.com> wrote:
hi all,

had a loooong holiday...
@salaboy and @Michael thanks for comments...
i did some changes in framework through your guidence..but still have a problem..mainly iwant to change task list related perspectives..there is no perspective for  "task list multi" @WorkbenchScreen..
have anyone idea about this
and there is,

    public Position getPosition(){
        return Position.EAST;

is it possible to add default width using above code..

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7 May 2014 08:41, Mauricio Salatino <salaboy@gmail.com> wrote:
Inside the jbpm-console-ng you have a lot of Uberfire Screens annotated with @WorkbenchScreen and also you have @WorkbenchPerspectives which are the ones that defines the layouts for the different screens. Inside the Perspective you can change the sizes of the internal panels, you should check that out. 

@Mike: can you share with him a link to an example? 

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 4:54 AM, Akila Rathnayake <akila.senarath@gmail.com> wrote:
hi all,

now i am working in jbpm-console-ng and do some modifications in GWT dev mode..but still i trying to change uberfire frame sizes.
can you guys help me to find specific resource files in related to those frames.

waiting for you.

 - MyJourney @ http://salaboy.com
 - Co-Founder @ http://www.jugargentina.org
 - Co-Founder @ http://www.jbug.com.ar
 - Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -

 - MyJourney @ http://salaboy.com
 - Co-Founder @ http://www.jugargentina.org
 - Co-Founder @ http://www.jbug.com.ar
 - Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -