Hey guys!


On the weekend I met with one of the guys behind Oryx and today with a student working on Oryx. There are good news: They want to develop an integration, or maybe better call it Oryx extension (or whatever) for jbpm.


The goal is

1.)    Allow including all relevant details for a jPDL process into the Oryx BPMN model. Then Oryx can automatically generate (and maybe deploy) this process to jbpm. This can be done by extensions to the existing BPMN elements in Oryx.

2.)    Monitoring features. Oryx can show additional information on process elements by some kind of Mashup-API, so the idea is to use this for Monitoring of

a.       Single Process Instances

b.      Historical information


Maybe this Meshup stuff could also integrate with GWT-Widgets of the new console (I have no idea about that, we will see). There are other ideas on the table as well, but I think these are the first steps, which are challenging enough for the moment ;-)


This is currently the direction the Oryx guys are heading. Since Oryx is Open Source as well (MIT), this will be available for jBPM users and I think it is a really cool thing to have. Think about the Showcases or Play-Around-In-The-Web things you can do with it J


I just wanted to inform you that this is going to happen. I will support them in any jbpm question they have (since I am in Berlin some times as well), but it would be cool if you can help as well if question arise… Especially for the next month, since I will go on vacation tomorrow evening for 4 weeks J


By the way: the developer working on this issue is Ole (in CC).





EJB-3-Buch: http://www.ejbbuch.de/

Unsere Seminare: http://www.camunda.com/seminare/

Blog: www.bpm-guide.de


camunda services GmbH - The Business Process Company

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www.camunda.com - info@camunda.com


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Geschäftsführer: Jakob Freund, Bernd Rücker
