I'm not really sure, anything in the logs? On top of my head the only thing that can think of is if your file name or the path the file name includes spaces, try removing those and try uploading again. Is the file read+write? I don't have Windows so not sure how to test that.


On 5/2/13 12:23 PM, Baba, Javeeduddin wrote:

Hi Tihomir,

                    Thanks for the reply . I’m getting the following error in Guvnor while upload model jar file. What could possibly be wrong with  it.





-          Javeed


From: Tihomir Surdilovic [mailto:tsurdilo@redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:13 AM
To: Baba, Javeeduddin
Cc: jbpm-dev@lists.jboss.org
Subject: Re: [jbpm-dev] Problem with Drools Guvnor


Drools Guvnor and jBPM Designer are 2 separate wars in 5.x. Guvnor war does not automatically include the Designer war. It looks like you may not have designer war deployed. You can get the 2.4 release from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/designer/designer-2.4/.

On 5/2/13 11:52 AM, Baba, Javeeduddin wrote:

Hi JBPM-Dev,

                          We’re exploring several rules engines for our company. I’m trying to explore Drools. I’m having lot of issues with the Guvnor and Designer.




1)      I installed sample repository, but I cannot edit rules in Guided rule editor

2)      Cannot upload model jar file








1)      Cannot open designer



Any help will be greatly appreciated.



-          Jbaba


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