
Always interested in finding synergies and creating win-win situations :)
Contact me and we can set up a conf call, feel free to suggest some options (time zone is Belgium).

Kris Verlaenen
jBPM project lead

On 10/11/2013 01:25 PM, Ampie Barnard wrote:
Hi jBPM devs,

I am currently involved in an initiative that aims to put a platform in place to support collaborative online value production. This entails peer-to-peer value production, b2b, a lot of metrics (objective and subjective) that contribute to a reputation, adaptive case management and eventually also simulation based on VDML.  It will be open source.

We are currently favoring jBPM as a platform to start from. However, we also believe that the jBPM team may be interested in where we are going with this, and that there could be possible synergies. We want to support the OMG's VDML, CMMN and UML (class diagrams), and these could be natural compliments to the current BPMN support. Who can we have a short conversation with just to test the water so to speak?

Kind Regards


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