Talking about Licenses, I hope that jBPM 5 will be licensed using ASL like Drools Flow right?
I see a lot of customers that prefer ASL over LGPL.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Sebastian Schneider <> wrote:
Hello folks,

I am not sure if it was mentioned already but it is certainly a point I
forgot when sending my feedback to the list. One thing I pretty much
like about jBPM 4.x is its clear and easy-to-understand API. The API is
pretty well designed and should certainly serve as a template for a
future one. I don't know anything about the API of Drools Flow. Maybe
somebody can shed some light on this aspect.

IMHO the API is one of the reasons people on the forums started using
jBPM 4.x. - because of the API and some other things it gets you started
a lot quicker. I made the same experience when I started to use jBPM 3.2
after I have been using jBPM 4.x.

An additional aspect which came to my mind recently is that the process
engine should be kept DBMS-independent and have a QA-matrix which takes
into account most of the widespread DB-systems.

With respect to embeddability one could even think of using the JPA to
enable the usage of compatible object-relational mappers. If I remember
correctly there have been request or questions on the forum regularly
about using a different persistence framework than Hibernate.



Sebastian Schneider

- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -