
if you try the installer, you will probably see that the JBoss Home is not initialized properly.

installer bug

The wiki sais

The default location for JBoss containers are configured in a maven user profile. To setup the profile you can either copy the provided profiles.xml.example to profiles.xml and edit it the properties accordingly or preferably setup these properties in ~/.m2/settings.xml

Could you please rebuild and upload again? The download itself works.


Thomas Diesler wrote:
ok, thanks.

could you please drop the guy a short note?


Tom Baeyens wrote:
i'm building it and hopefully uploading it later today or tomorrow by the latest.

(have to take my kid to some testing this afternoon)

regards, tom.

Thomas Diesler wrote:
  Hi Tom,

the latest status that I heard was that Koen would upload the release, is this still true?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     JBPM 3.3.1 download is no there..
Date:     Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:50:38 -0500
From:     Babu, Ramesh <> <>
To:     <> <>

Hi Thomas,
   I looked ur posting on Jboss wiki . But I did not find any link for 3.3.1
We are having issues workinbg with 3.3.0Ga, and found out that mail template is issue it..

Please let me know once you post the download.

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Thomas Diesler
BPM Product Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

Thomas Diesler
BPM Product Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat