Hi Supun,I'm not entirely sure about what are you trying to do. Can you elaborate a little bit more on what are you looking to create? You don't need to create a knowledge base for modelling a process right?Or do you want to execute an existing definition?On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Supun Athukorala <asped08@gmail.com> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi,I am currently working on android version of jBPM engine where end users without any real development experience might be able to use it do model simple Android applications.I am going to create a Knowledge Base for android task of messaging. where when modeling application users can send a message as a task.But I am confused how to start implementing the knowledge base. I am currently studying the prototype created by Kris Verlaenen. I would be greatful If anyone can guide me or give me examples to create a knowledge base.ThanksSupun.
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