Please take a look at the documentation before posting.. 
and I would suggest you to try jBPM 6 instead. 

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:11 PM, <> wrote:
Currently, our application is using jBPM3 and we are planning it upgraded to jBPM5.4 specifically this year. With that, I’m in need of your help by answering a few questions that I have so far for this upgrade.
  1. We have multiple process definitions in our application, what will be the best way or how should we be loading all these BPMN files? Based on google search, below are sample code snippet to make it work, please confirm:
  1. Thru jbpm kbase only
<jbpm:kbase id="kbase">
            <jbpm:resource type="BPMN2" source="classpath:xxxxx1.bpmn" />
            <jbpm:resource type="BPMN2" source="classpath:yyyyy2.bpmn" />
  1. Thru changeset and jbpm kbase
            xs:schemaLocation=' change-set-1.0.0.xsd'>
        <resource source="file:D:/jbpm" type="BPMN2"/>
<jbpm:kbase id="kbase">
            <jbpm:resource type="CHANGE_SET" source="classpath:changeset.xml"/>
  1. How to properly initialize jBPM5.4 process engine? From jBPM3, we initialize thru loading the jbpm configuration from jbpm.cfg.xml and session factory.
Looking forward to your response.
Your response will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Warlita V. Fuentes

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