Hi Alejandro,
Thanks for you reply. It a big help for me to hearing jboss
will go on maintaining jBPM 4. There are lots of projects are
using or planning to use jBPM4 because of its simplity api and
database design. But there are still many unfixed issue on the
JIRA, we don't known when these issues could be
fixed. I known you are very busy, maybe I can do some
help for maintaining jBPM4. A clear plan for releasing jBPM4 is
very appreciate.
I realized that jBPM5 will focus on BPMN2 stardard implementation,
so I think it will be a good message for developer that it can still support
jPDL, because the purpose of PVM is provide a platform to support multiple
process language. Like at this time, jBPM 4 could support both jPDL4 and BPMN2.
A few days early, I did some try on moving BPEL on PVM, the
process language definition is not very hard. So If jBPM5 could enhance the PVM,
we could custom our own process language on it. I have no doubt that jBPM5
will become a wonderful project.