Good article man. We need to be focused on that.. and as the definition mention.. Architecture is hard to change later.. I totally agree with that!
Hi guys,
It's a little wordy -- and to some extent just a logical extension of "The Mythical Man-Month"[1] (which I also strongly recommend), but there's a decent article about design/architecture here:
In particular, the following:
Which leaves my favorite definition for architecture:..."Stuff that's hard to change later."
The third enabler of accidental complexity is irreversibility. Any decision you make that cannot be reversed will eventually lead to some level of accidental complexity. Irreversibility affects both architecture and design, although its effects are both more common and more damaging at the architectural level. Try to avoid decisions impossible or cumbersome to reverse. One of the mantras I've heard some of my colleagues use is to wait until the last responsible moment. This doesn't mean that you should put off decisions too long, but just long enough. What is the last responsible moment you can make a decision about some architectural concern? The longer you can avoid the decision, the more possibilities you leave open for yourself. Ask yourself: "Do I need to make that decision now?" and "What can I do to allow me to defer that decision?" You'll be surprised at the things you can defer until later if you just apply some ingenuity to your decision-making process.and lastly:
The last of the overarching concerns for architecture and design is a phrase I've made up called rampant genericness. We seem to have a disease in the Java world: overengineering solutions by trying to make them as generic as possible. The motivation for this is clear: If we build in lots of layers for extension, we can more easily build more onto it later. However, this is a dangerous trap. Because genericness adds entropy, you damage your ability to evolve the design in interesting ways early in the project. Adding too much flexibility makes every change to the code base more complex.
Of course, you can't ignore extensibility. The agile movement has a great phrase that sums up the decision process for implementing features: YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It). This is the mantra to try to avoid overengineering simple features. Just implement exactly what you need now, and if you need more stuff later, you can add it then. I've seen some Java projects so bloated with compromises in both architecture and design made at the altar of genericness and extensibility that the projects failed. This is of course ironic because planning for the project to live as long as possible truncated its life. Learning how to navigate the fine line between extensibility and overengineering is tough, and it's a subject I'll come back to frequently.
-- jBPM/Drools developer Utrecht, the Netherlands
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