Dear Salatino,

                            Actually I have developed one workflow using jbpm .In that workflow i have a user task .After completion of the user task i wrote the code on
onexitaction of usertask .In that code i will update the data that was inserted by user to db .Here I need to send a number( Ex:Patient Id) to user.

I have tried in the following way.


The problem is i have downloaded the code for console server and iam changing the file .The Problem iam facing is how to
get the genPatId in file.

 Map dataMap =  getProcessManagement().getInstanceData("68");
    return Response.ok(SUCCESSFULLY_PROCESSED_INPUT).build();

iam getting genPatId as null value..

Please help me in knowing how to get the data that we will set on onexitactions in of consoleserver code.

G. Suresh Naidu
Tata Consultancy Services
Cell:- 8019844574
Experience certainty.        IT Services
                       Business Solutions

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