WFK 2.5 archetypes don't show up in central because they're only added to EAP 6.2

In JBDS, all EAP 6.1+ servers have the same runtime type,
In JBoss Central, when we try to lookup archetypes matching an EAP 6.2 runtime, we use the WTP runtimeid,, and find several matching runtimes in stacks (6.1.0 and 6.2.0). We use the first one, 6.1.0, but it 's not configured to use WFK 2.5 archetypes, so they're not displayed in central adds the WFK 2.5 archetypes to EAP 6.1.0. In theory, there should be no reason why they'd be incompatible.


Le 03/04/2014 18:04, Len DiMaggio a écrit :
What titles will appear for these in JBoss Central?


From: "Rafael Benevides" <>
To: "Fred Bricon" <>, "Michelle Murray" <>, "jdf-dev" <>
Cc: "jbds-pm-list" <>, "wfk-pm-list" <>, "external-exadel-list list" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014 10:11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [jdf-dev] Latest WFK quickstarts in JBoss Central

Fixed and merged!


Em 02/04/14 14:16, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
> Besides my comments on label type of these two Archetypes, the PR is
> ready for review here:
> It includes WFK 2.5 BOMs and Archetypes.
> Em 02/04/14 13:12, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
>> Fred,
>> For WFK 2.5 we have now two more Archetypes:
>> 1 - "richfaces-archetype-simpleapp"
>> 2 - "jboss-spring-mvc-archetype"
>> What "type" label should we use for them ?
>> Thanks
>> Em 02/04/14 11:27, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
>>> I'll provide it now!
>>> Em 02/04/14 07:01, Fred Bricon escreveu:
>>>> It depends on stacks.yaml being updated by the JDF team. Hopefully
>>>> Rafael can help here.
>>>> Le mercredi 2 avril 2014 08:10:58, Michelle Murray a écrit :
>>>>> When will the latest WFK quickstarts be available in JBDS JBoss
>>>>> Central?
>>>>> I noticed that the HTML5 Project is still
>>>>> 'org.jboss.archetype.wfk:jboss-html5-mobile-archetype:2.4.0.Final'
>>>>> and
>>>>> not the 2.5 version yet.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Michelle
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Len DiMaggio (
JBoss by Red Hat
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