On 2012-08-13, at 9:24 AM, Marius Bogoevici <mariusb@redhat.com> wrote:


I added a candidate structure for the hybridized TicketMonster - it's based on the Aerogear kitchensink with the added twist that we keep separate index files for each device, and then refer directly to those files from the wrapper code. While not ideal, this allows to keep separate configurations (i.e. dependencies for each device) and avoid manual changes after opening a particular device project.

An alternative would be to use maven to construct target/www-<device> folders and use symlinks to those. I don't like it because

- doesn't work well with the web configurations;
- you can't easily create fixes from Xcode/Android SDK to the web app code, because you need to run the build phase manually after.

Let the reviews begin!

Here it is:

Added comments on the tweaks needed.