

He in JDF we have began an effort to provide BRMS quickstarts and I realized that some use cases bump each other.

Here are them:

https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF-581 - Create Beginner BRMS Quickstart: helloworld-drl
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF-584 - Create an Intermediate BRMS Quickstart: decision-table
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF-589 - Create an Intermediate BPMS Quickstart: brms-bpms

There are several other BRMS quickstarts in the queue and some of them are already ready to review.

JDF-582 - Create a Intermediate BRMS Quickstart: helloworld-stateful (ready to review)
JDF-583 - Create an Intermediate BRMS Quickstart: helloworld-brms (ready to review)
JDF-585 - Create an Advanced BRMS Quickstart: store-dsl (ready to review)
JDF-586 - Create an Advanced BRMS Quickstart: helloworld-cep
JDF-587 - Create an Advanced BRMS Quickstart: brms-integration
JDF-588 - Create an Advanced BRMS Quickstart: brms-planner
JDF-590 - Create an Advanced BPMS Quickstart: brms-bpms-task

I think we should discuss this and check what fits for you and what are the deltas so we can joins forces and avoid use cases bumps.

Please, let me know your thoughts.

-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto: Fwd: Drools & jbpm on OSGi Platform (Karaf, JBoss Fuse)
Data: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 17:48:01 +0000
De: Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com>
Para: Rafael Benevides <benevides@redhat.com>

Might be interesting for you..

Begin forwarded message:

From: Charles Moulliard <cmoulliard@redhat.com>
Subject: Drools & jbpm on OSGi Platform (Karaf, JBoss Fuse)
Date: 22 January 2014 17:34:17 GMT
To: "sme-fuse@redhat.com" <sme-fuse@redhat.com>, "se-jboss@redhat.com" <se-jboss@redhat.com>


As I'm currently developing some examples for a partner which is looking about How to use/run Drools & jBPM on Karaf/JBoss Fuse, I have created this git repo https://github.com/cmoulliard/droolsjbpm-osgi-examples/ containing different demos + instructions  :

- Simple Drools Rule
- Drools XLS Decision Table
- Drools using XLS Decision Table from an External Resource

- Simple BPMN2 process

Remarks :
- Camel + Drools (kie-spring, kie-blueprint) examples will be added soon
- Most probably that this project will become a Quickstart in some days/weeks.

Feel free to use it


Charles Moulliard
Sr. Principal Solution Architect / Apache Committer - Global Partner Enablement
cmoulliard@redhat.com | work: +31 205 65 12 84 | mobile: +32 473 604 014 | RedHat.com
twitter: @cmoulliard
blog: cmoulliard.github.io