
2012/7/6 Jason Porter <jporter@redhat.com>
+1 I like this much more than what we had before. It helps break things up and also shows users and customers what's happening, transparency FTW!

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pete Muir" <pmuir@redhat.com>
> To: jdf-dev@lists.jboss.org
> Cc: "Mark Yarborough" <myarboro@redhat.com>
> Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 9:08:09 AM
> Subject: [jdf-dev] Rebuilt roadmap
> All,
> As your probably aware, one of our goals with jdf is to help people
> understand both the JBoss upstream projects (such as JBoss AS) and
> the Red Hat products (such as JBoss Enterprise Application
> Platform), as they are extremely similar :-)
> With this in mind, we've got a fairly strict rule, that we can't add
> something to the jdf roadmap, unless it's also available in a
> product "soon after" the jdf release (i.e. we can develop stuff in
> parallel in jdf, but we shouldn't leap ahead).
> As we risk heading into a timing nightmare with this, I feel it is
> simplest that we align the jdf release timeline to the Red Hat
> product which we most closely track (in terms of underlying
> features). This is, obviously, is WFK, where Errai and RichFaces are
> packaged, and DeltaSpike probably will be.
> With this in mind, here is the new proposal for the roadmap:
> http://www.jboss.org/jdf/stage/about/roadmap/
> Note that this covers headline features, and there may well be other
> stuff that makes it in as well, if there is time.
> We'll also aim to do some milestone releases:
> 10th August: M1
> 17th August: M2
> 24th August: M3
> 31st August: M4
> 7th Sept: M5
> 14th Sept: M6
> with a release candidate on 21st Sept.
> Marius is working on the Ticket Monster use cases for this release,
> and should have those ready today or early next week.
> Please review the above info and let me know what you think,
> Pete
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