Hi all,

I'm resurrecting  this subject because Forge Team started to brainstorm about the Stacks Add-on to Forge.


Do you have some thoughts/considerations on this:

- Change format (getting the opportunity of repo location change)
- Still using the same format with workarounds


Em 12/07/13 10:47, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
Hi all,

As part of the "new organization" plan, it's a good time to update stacks format since it will be hosted on the new github organization.
I've analyzed the changes need and attached a Stacks 1.1 proposal to see if everyone agrees on that or if should we keep using 1.0 format

Changes from 1.0 to 1.1
- Rename Licenses to Metadata
Justification: I've been using Licenses today as an metadata section to avoid repeating metadatas like version, repositories, licenses, etc: https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jdf-stack/blob/1.0.0.Final/stacks.yaml#L21-L34

Workaround: Leave it as it is

- add repositoryURL and extraRepositories to BomVersion.
Justification: I've been using labels to to tag what repositories are Required: https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jdf-stack/blob/1.0.0.Final/stacks.yaml#L441 - Some BOMs needs more than one repo as JPP ( JPP is built on top of EAP 6.0.1, but it is using RichFaces from WFK 2.1.0 that is built on top of EAP 6.0.0)

Workaround: Create an standard tag called *repositories* and add every non maven central repository required.

So I'd like to here your thoughts about it and analyze possible impacts on this format change.
OBS.: Remember that stacks 1.0 repo is planned to be moved to jboss-developer github organization. So it's a good change to update it. The 1.0 and 1.1 should coexist for a while and maybe stacks-client should have a "migration" feature to permit a smooth transition.

Thank you

Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil

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