Hi all,

I just created a jira : JDF-131

The first version on my github is very simple. I have to improve it and add better documentation before proposing a pull request.

The web view is generated from MBean informations (like a JMX console), p0 is the name of the first parameter. It's true that I must also improve the design.

I want to add more MBeans features  like description or persistence.

Thanks for your feedback.


2012/10/25 Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com>
Jeremie, could you create a pull request so that we can review on github?

On 25 Oct 2012, at 14:48, Sande Gilda wrote:

> Hi Jérémie,
> I did a quick usability review and it looks great! I as able to build, deploy, and run it successfully.
> I do have a few questions and minor comments:
>       • I'm just curious what the 'p0' is for in all of the 'sayHello : p0 :" labels?
>       • Would it be clearer if the label 'sayHello :p0:' was changed to 'Name:' and the button was changed from "call" to "Say Hello"?
>       • On the running page, could you add some additional instructions at the top? Maybe say something like
> This quickstart demonstrates how to build a welcome message using 3 different MBeans. For each MBean, enter a welcome message and click "Save", then enter a name and click the "Say Hello" button. The counter will be incremented and the generated message will be displayed.
>       • Could you upper case the button labels?
>       • I would remove the "quickstarts:type=" from each MBean header section. Maybe something like this?
> AnnotatedComponentHelloWorld MBean
> MXComponentHelloWorld MBean
> MXPojoHelloWorld MBean
> Pete, the metadata author name looks fine in the README file on github, but it is not rendered correctly in the generated README.html file. It appears like this: Author: Lagarde Jérémie. Do you know why it renders incorrectly in the HTML file? I can get it to render correctly doing this "Author: Lagarde J&eacute;r&eacute;mie", but then it's ugly in the README.md file.
> Pete, I will leave the technical review of this quickstart to you.
> Thanks,
> Sande
> On 10/24/2012 07:46 PM, Jérémie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After a first discussion on the #jboss-jdf IRC channel, I would like to add an example to manipulate MBeans in a jboss AS7 and CDI context.
>> The first version of my work is available here: https://github.com/jerr/jboss-as-quickstart/tree/helloworld-mbean/helloworld-mbean
>> Before continuing, I would be happy to have a first feedback.
>> Can someone please take a look?
>> Regards,
>> Jérémie.
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