Sorry guys but unfortunately, org.jboss.aerogear.archetypes:jboss-html5-mobile-archetype:1.0.0.M6b is still broken. It fixes the arq-jbossas-remote profile issue but it still doesn't build with -Denterprise=true

As I said on IRC yesterday :

(15:38:43) fbricon: yeah so, if it really really works, with -Denterprise=true and/or active arquillian profiles, burr would probably be happy if you guys could release ASAP
(15:40:28) qmx: fbricon: lholmquist is looking into it already
(15:40:42) qmx: fbricon: we'll keep you guys posted
(15:42:09) fbricon: qmx: lholmquist: once you guys are ready, stage your archetype, clone the stacks.yml, open JIRA similar to JBIDE-13059
(15:42:09) jbossbot: jira [JBIDE-13059] test the RichFaces Kitchensink archetype upgrade [Open (Unresolved) Component Upgrade, Major, Len DiMaggio]

So you should really use nexus' staging area to test the archetypes before doing the actual release.


Le 14/11/2012 20:12, Douglas Campos a écrit :
pushed to nexus, now we just need to wait it to sync to central

On Nov 14, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Pete Muir wrote:

Great, just tell Rafael any updates you need on our end.

On 14 Nov 2012, at 16:59, Douglas Campos wrote:

Pete, I'm cranking the release wheel today to fix this :)

On Nov 14, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Pete Muir wrote:

On 13 Nov 2012, at 21:38, Fred Bricon wrote:

Damn, the project still fails to build when you choose an enterprise 
server. The archetype is really borked :-(

For your demo, either :
- you stick with the community bits, it builds normally
- the JDF team rollbacks the archetype to version M5, so you can play 
with both community & enterprise versions
You mean in stacks? If Aerogear team agrees, then yes we can do this today.

- the Aerogear team releases a working M7 version *now* and the JDF 
team updates the stacks.yml


Fred Bricon

Le mardi 13 novembre 2012 22:28:57, Burr Sutter a écrit :
Thank you - I will be able to test late tonight or tomorrow morning.

JBDS6 does not run on my mac so I have to get back to my Windows machine to test.

On Nov 13, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:

As a temporary workaround, I disabled the arq-jbossas-remote profile on project creation . Created html5 project now builds OOTB... until you manually activate that profile.
Please refresh the project examples section in JBoss Central or restart your workspace.

Le mardi 13 novembre 2012 18:41:32, Burr Sutter a écrit :

On Nov 13, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:

I'm stuck with the kids for the next 3hrs. After that, it'll take me 10 min to get it fixed.

Le mardi 13 novembre 2012 16:05:57, Burr Sutter a écrit :
How quickly could this get fixed for me?  I have a demo this Thursday but currently unable to use JBDS6 due to this one bug.

There may be other bugs behind this one - JBDS6 is not the most "stable" but the HTML5 archetype is a show-stopper for me right now.

It fails for AS7 and EAP6 - and I won't be able to "stop the recording", fix the problem and restart the recording.

On Nov 13, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Fred Bricon wrote:

Le mardi 13 novembre 2012 15:22:02, Burr Sutter a écrit :
Is that a server-side fix? Or something that requires a new build/update?
Server side :-)

On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:37 AM, Fred Bricon wrote:

Le lundi 12 novembre 2012 17:38:38, Max Rydahl Andersen a écrit :
Hey Fred/Snjezana,

Burr pointed me to JBIDE-12987 which indicates the html5 archetype currently deployed in JBDS is broken.

Shit happens - but I Would like to be sure to understand where the culprit is.

Did this issue happen because:

A) we added an archetype without testing it to projectexamples.xml

B) the jdf-stack side is referring to a broken html5 archetype ?

Yes. Actually the archetype referenced in stacks.yml is broken when you activate the arq-jbossas-remote profile and you're in enterprise mode.
The profile activation is done in projectexample.xm, which means we can decide to, temporarily, not activate that profile when creating the project. All we need is updating that example descriptor.
We'd turn the profile back on once a fixed archetype is referenced in stacks both cases we need to improve our reaction/QA work on this (we as in jboss wide - not just us from tools)

Before I hunt down the rightful owner could you enlighten me on wether its A or B from above ? (and if you got other info why it stopped working and suggestion to avoid it would be great)


----- Original Message -----
unfortunately I am too busy multi-tasking to really nail this done.

The HTML5 archetype on JBoss Central in JBDS6 is broken which is
pretty critical to my demos as well.

On Nov 12, 2012, at 11:21 AM, André Dietisheim wrote:

On 11/12/2012 04:24 PM, Burr Sutter wrote:

I seem to get a number of "would you like to wait" messages.

so you get these when the wizard reports it's waiting for the app to
become ready? if yes, then this is utterly weird. Applications
should follow the naming scheme:


So if you put to your hosts file, then resolving
your apps should not get affected. Can you provide any further

On Nov 12, 2012, at 3:33 AM, André Dietisheim wrote:

On 11/11/2012 08:17 PM, Burr Sutter wrote:

This seems to not be working for me

what are the symptoms?

You could alternatively run a liveCD in localhost and have some more
funky hosts entry. The drawback is that the default liveCD does no
dynamic DNS-update so you'd have to add you app-namees into hosts,

- for now I will simply try to get JBDS6 to work with OpenShift

And if that acts up, fall back to JBDS5 + OpenShift Hosted - and
hopefully the audience won't "see" it. :-)

This is a pre-recorded demo/webinar and I am not sure if there is
even a live Q&A after the session.

On Nov 8, 2012, at 5:20 AM, André Dietisheim wrote:

On 11/06/2012 05:26 PM, Burr Sutter wrote:

I have to script, test and record a 20 minute demo of JBDS (ideally
6) with OSE next week (around Nov 14 or 15)

1) My plan is to use one of the hosted versions of OpenShift like or and perhaps play
some games with the hosts file on my Windows machine - do make it
look like " " or something like that, what
do you think - might that work?

so yes it works when using some funky hack in hosts:

I added " openshift.local" to my hosts file and things
worked fine.

2) Do you have a document that describes how to setup and debug? With
20 minutes, I will likely have enough time to show off debugging in
the cloud

3) What would you say are the most critical things to show?

Here is my list:

a- Using the HTML5 archetype for JBoss Central

b- Displayed in Mobile Browser Sim

c- Might even consider making an edit to the screen to so the viewer
sees some "coding"

d- Assuming my account is already pre-established, will use the
OpenShift Wizard on JBoss Central to push up my app - I will need
things to talk about while waiting - I will use a pre-establised
account because OSE has not yet figured out how they will enlist new
developers - it won't be like the current self-provisioning model
which creates a RHN account.

e- Now the app is "up in the cloud" - perhaps hit it with a real
mobile device (I have a special camera for that)

f- Add a debug break point and step through some things in the HTML5
kitchensink the cloud

g- I would love to show "auto-scaling" but I am not sure how to make
that work - or if anyone has every demo'd that before

h- show off remote log access via OpenShift Explorer

what else?






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