I do not have any additional details to offer.  :-)

On Dec 11, 2013, at 9:10 AM, Rafael Benevides <benevides@redhat.com> wrote:

Adding Burr to this Thread.

Burr, do you have these info?

Em 09/12/13 17:43, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
Hi guys,

Sorry for the wide audience but since EAP 6.2 was released last week, the archetypes ( https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-archetypes ) was not even mentioned.

Since Archetypes are part of the stacks, I'd like to know who in productization team should handle the archetypes?

WFK 2.4 Archetypes was released to Maven Central after a period in a nexus staged repository being tested by WFK QE team. Can I assume that we will have the same approach for EAP 6.2 Archetypes? If so, there are some steps missing that it's needed and the time is flying.

1 - Prepare the EAP 6.2 Archetypes based on a EAP 6.2 Quickstarts tag
2 - Release EAP 6.2 Archetype in a staged repo
3 - QE test/fix cycle on the Archetypes
4 - Promote the stage repo
5 - Ask to Sonatype to include this new archetype groupId (org.jboss.archetype.eap) to be synched with Maven Central
6 - Update stacks.yaml

So the purpose of this email is bring EAP Archetypes under discussion (at least for this release) since Pete is preparing a plan that should work for next releases.


Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
JBoss Developer
M: +55-61-9269-6576

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