I don't have any concerns on that except that we change the dependencies also for multi-modules project ;)

There's a fixer on QSTools:fix that helps you achieve that (including dependencies changes).

Em 13/01/14 13:35, Pete Muir escreveu:
Forwarding to jdf-dev@lists.jboss.org

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joshua Wilson <jowilson@redhat.com>
Subject: Changing the name of the Spring Quickstarts
Date: 13 January 2014 15:33:54 GMT
To: "'Pete Muir'" <pmuir@redhat.com>, <sme-jdf@redhat.com>
Cc: "'Burr Sutter'" <bsutter@redhat.com>, "'Vineet Reynolds Pereira'" <vpereira@redhat.com>

Does anyone have any concerns or issues with changing the names of all the Spring Quickstarts to start with ‘Spring-‘?  Most notably this will affect the kitchensink ones as it take any kitchensink spring quickstarts out of the order of the rest of them. 

I am purposing the following:

kitchensink-spring-basic -> spring-kitchensink-basic

My thought is that it would help anyone looking for spring related quickstarts better able to find them.  My concern is that I am not entirely sure it is worth it to interrupt the flow/order of the list.

What do you all think?

Joshua Wilson
Senior Software Engineer
Jboss by Red Hat
Mobile: 843-727-5277

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