Fwd to JDF-Dev - I had my other email address subscribed to it :-\

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jay Balunas <jbalunas@redhat.com>
Subject: Re: [jdf-dev] JDF Launch plans
Date: June 4, 2012 12:02:47 PM EDT
To: Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com>
Cc: Jay Balunas <jbalunas@redhat.com>, jdf-dev@lists.jboss.org, rwp-internal <rwp-internal@redhat.com>

Hi All,

Below is the feedback I have on the latest JDF site, and the ticketmonster demo.  I'm reviewing the tutorial now, and will provide any updates asap.

I'm sorry these are not pull requests, but as we discussed in IRC I was having some unknown issues with the awestruct build.


JDF Site Review


* Video section is just a placeholder
* Assuming you are planning on publishing a video to go with it?

* Links to the live demo
* I would add either more links to the live demo, or feature it more


* POH5 is listed for helloworld-html5 description in the table

* Kitchensink & helloworld html5 readme's need POH5 removed updates
* The AeroGear team will handle this as part of our M5 release

Ticket Monster App

* POH5 is listed in the Build with JDF section

* Link to the tutorial on the pages?
* Perhaps I missed it?
* I think every page should, but at the very least the front page should have a link.

On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Pete Muir wrote:


Please have any changes in by 1PM eastern today, so that Marius, Jason and myself have time to tag the relevant artifacts, do a linking review etc.

We plan to launch at 6AM eastern tomorrow (Tuesday)
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