Adding the core who might already have code used to test functionality ready to go.

On 11/14/2012 03:20 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
Hi everyone,

As you know, the quickstarts have received a lot of attention and seem to be a big hit. If you thought you missed your opportunity to help out, you are wrong. We have a growing list of new quickstarts that would be extremely useful to our customers. If you choose to contribute, not only do you get the satisfaction of knowing you are making JBoss developers' lives easier, but you get celebrity status as author of the quickstart!

The following list of JIRAs describe the quickstarts we need. If you see one that looks interesting, please feel free to grab the JIRA. If you don't have access, send me an email and I will grab it for you.

JDF-37      Provide a JAAS quickstart
JDF-46      Clustered JMS quickstart
JDF-131    Provide a MBean quickstart
JDF-137    Add OSGi war quickstart
JDF-138    Create a quickstart demonstrating a custom CDI context and scope
JDF-140    Create a quickstart demonstrating CDI alternatives
JDF-141    Create a quickstart demonstrating CDI Stereotypes
JDF-142    Create a quickstart demonstrating CDI Decorators
JDF-143    Create a quickstart demonstrating CDI Interceptors
JDF-144    Create a quick start using the deltaspike property configuration
JDF-145    Create a quickstart using deltaspike's exception handling
JDF-146    Add Deltaspike version of kitchensink that shows how to use @Transactional
JDF-147    Upgrade i8ln quickstarts to use DeltaSpike i8ln
JDF-148    Add a quickstart showing how to create new beans using DS utilities
JDF-149    Add a quickstart that shows how to use DeltaSpike BeanManagerProvider to access CDI in a EntityListener
JDF-150    Add a quickstart that shows how to use @TransactionScoped

If none in the list above appeals to you, we also have an existing 'helloword-mdb' example that currently demonstrates JMS Queues. It would be great to enhance it to demonstrate JMS Topics as well.

Information about the current quickstarts can be found here:
The source code for the current quickstarts is here:
Information about contributing a quickstart is here:

Please let me know if you need any more information or have any questions.
