In the least, I think moving "JBoss Developer Framework is use case focused, and every tri-annual release focuses on two new use cases." to a higher level would increase it's visibility.
A section on "How do we plan the roadmap" which includes that  sentence above + a way of telling people how to provide feedback and solicit new features would be tremendously helpful. IMO.

On 2012-07-06, at 12:36 PM, Pete Muir wrote:

Should I try to write up what I wrote below about the "why" the roadmap is like it is? Is that helpful info?

On 6 Jul 2012, at 17:23, Jason Porter wrote:

+1 I like this much more than what we had before. It helps break things up and also shows users and customers what's happening, transparency FTW!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Muir" <>
Cc: "Mark Yarborough" <>
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 9:08:09 AM
Subject: [jdf-dev] Rebuilt roadmap


As your probably aware, one of our goals with jdf is to help people
understand both the JBoss upstream projects (such as JBoss AS) and
the Red Hat products (such as JBoss Enterprise Application
Platform), as they are extremely similar :-)

With this in mind, we've got a fairly strict rule, that we can't add
something to the jdf roadmap, unless it's also available in a
product "soon after" the jdf release (i.e. we can develop stuff in
parallel in jdf, but we shouldn't leap ahead).

As we risk heading into a timing nightmare with this, I feel it is
simplest that we align the jdf release timeline to the Red Hat
product which we most closely track (in terms of underlying
features). This is, obviously, is WFK, where Errai and RichFaces are
packaged, and DeltaSpike probably will be.

With this in mind, here is the new proposal for the roadmap:

Note that this covers headline features, and there may well be other
stuff that makes it in as well, if there is time.

We'll also aim to do some milestone releases:

10th August: M1
17th August: M2
24th August: M3
31st August: M4
7th Sept: M5
14th Sept: M6

with a release candidate on 21st Sept.

Marius is working on the Ticket Monster use cases for this release,
and should have those ready today or early next week.

Please review the above info and let me know what you think,

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