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Vineet, thanks for your replying. Nevertheless, I am using exactly the source from the git and so, in my project, already there is the import of EmbeddedCacheManager both in SeatAllocationService and CartStore and I am getting the warning "No bean is eligible for injection to the injection point [JSR-299 §5.2.1]" on the line
public SeatAllocationService(EmbeddedCacheManager manager) {...
When I tried to deploy the project I get the error WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [EmbeddedCacheManager] " as previously mentioned. This is my first use of Infinispan and at least in the tutorial doens't say to configure nothing further the marvem sets. I have confirmed that I have the jar in the project library (.../.m2 /repository/org/infinispan/infinispan-core/5.1.2.FINAL/infinispan-core-5‌​.1.2.FINAL-sources.jar). Should I install some libs or start some service? I am asking this because in my opinion the warning suggests that it is not find the lib even though it is in the lib of the project.

1:49 p.m., Thursday April 11

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Demetrio’s comment is in reply to Vineet Reynolds:

Hi Demetrio, thanks for reporting this. I'll try and address both of your problems:

1. The unsatisfied dependencies exception is not thrown when I ...

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