Peter Fry <> (unregistered) wrote, in response to Pete Muir:
angularjs and knockout.js are good examples of JS libraries which might appeal to people whoa re use to JSF. These libraries take a more declarative approach to view definition, data binding and routing.
I'm veering towards angularjs (opensource and backed by Google) rather than knockout.js (opensource backed by ???) .
Also I've recently seen IDE support for producing CRUD applications:
We've also seen that increasingly development shops are splitting their teams into front end guys (who want to work with HTML, CSS, JS and HTTP) and backend teams who deal with the services. HTML5 is great here.
There are some pretty awesome JS libs out there now, and being able to use those is a real plus.
However, if you are a JSF fan, I really suggest you check out some of the great work that the RichFaces team have done to show you how to use things like SASS and jquery mobile with JSF.
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