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I am trying to understand what we can do to improve this experience.

* Initially I thought there was confusion about the JBoss EAP deployment directory location, so I updated the quickstart instructions to provide the default path, depending on whether you are running commandline or JBoss Developer Studio. The updated instructions are located here: https://github.com/jboss-devel...

* You mention "Configure Maven" sounds like a lot of work. You should only need to configure Maven for JBoss EAP one time. If that is not clear, I can update the instructions to state that explicitly.

* You mention you needed to use 'h2' instead of 'org.h2.Driver'. I'm not clear why you are having that problem. I just deployed the h2-console quickstart, accessed the console at http://localhost:8080/h2console, then logged in successfully using the following:
Driver Class: org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:ticket-monster
User Name: sa
Password: sa

Please let me know if I misunderstand your problem.

8:41 a.m., Wednesday May 21

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Sande’s comment is in reply to TrueNull:

Well, I followed the one linked to in this tutorial. I got confused since I was trying to following the linked tutorial (Configure Maven sounded ...

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