Sounds good to me.  Let's all get Stan a new plasma screen!

Dennis Byrne

On 10/24/07, Stan Silvert < > wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm setting a date for our first beta release of November 30th.  There
are a couple of reasons we need to release on that date:
1) It is one week before I'll talk about JSFUnit at Javapolis, so we
need to have a release before then.
2) Part of my bonus depends on a November release.  (Nothing like full
disclosure, eh?)

Looking ahead at the calendar, Dennis and I will miss a couple of weeks
of development in November due to ApacheCon and the Thanksgiving
holiday.  So I think it is wise to declare a feature freeze at the end
of next week, Sunday November 4th.  Then we can concentrate on
documentation and bug fixes.

Does that sound reasonable to everyone?  Any thoughts?

jsfunit-dev mailing list

Dennis Byrne