This class is one of the prime candidates supporting the request to reevaluate the decision as to which Facelets APIs would be made public. This particular class has it's own spec issue, which at the moment is unscheduled
Since this is a very commonly needed class, I recommend that it is promoted as part of the 2.0 rev a release.
When testing Apache MyFaces 2 with PrimeFaces2, I've realized that Facelets method rule api is implementation specific,
so with mojarra it is com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.MethodRule
and with myfaces it is org.apache.myfaces.facelets.tag.MethodRule
Is there any specific reason why it hasn't been moved to standard API eg javax.faces.facelets.tag.MethodRule?
Cagatay Civici
JSF EG | PrimeFaces Lead | Apache MyFaces PMC