One other point to think about. The reason we are sticking with a valid XML namespace syntax is because, if you recall, the goal in the future is to recognize the view template as a pure XML document that can leverage all of the great XML tooling that is already out there w/o any special plugins. We can have an XSD generated automatically (or hand written) and then you get tag completion on your new, shiny composite components. If we abandon XML rules, we jeopordize that vision. (proposal for all that is pending...somewhere in my 1000 things to do)

Thanks for that clarification, Dan. I hate to admit it, but I didn't realize that all along. :)

Sure thing. And when you see how awesome it is going to be to have pure XML, you'll be jumping for joy, I'm sure of it ;) That proposal got bumped up in my list ;)


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597