All I've done is cut the zoom prompt and menu from the original file, and pasted it into zoomLevelControl.xhtml.

However, now when I change the zoom level menu, I get an error:

    <f:ajax> contains an unknown id 'image'

According to the AjaxBehaviorRenderer:

  * Attempt to find the component assuming the ID is relative to the
  * nearest naming container.  If not found, then search for the component
  * using an absolute component expression.

My guess is that the components within the composite component are considered to be within a naming container, isolating them from your image component. The strange part, though, is that the composite component is not acting like a naming container as I observed. To fix your problem w/ the current implementation, you have to use an absolute id to the image component (I would guess). But yeah, this is a very confusing situation for developers.

Frankly, for JSF 2.1, I would like to see us go to an XPath-like syntax (or jQuery) to find components because component IDs in JSF just plain suck.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action

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