2009/12/10 Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com>Even better, why not use/recommend embedded glassfish as the ultimate quick-start through maven?
However, we also need to make sure we don't leave the many Tomcat users out in the cold.
One thing I'd like to see covered--that I'd like to know how to do myself, in fact--is using the latest version of the EL (so that developers can pass params to action methods, for example), and using bean validation with JSF 2 in Tomcat.
That stuff is built into Glassfish, but I have no idea where the official JARs are for those things, and even if I knew that, I have no idea what to do with them (just drop them in Tomcat's WEB-INF/lib? Will that work? Has anyone tried that?).