I read through it quickly, still planning on a deeper analysis later.

One thing I have to say is "view actions". I wanted them badly in JSF 2.0 and now Lincoln has done a great job of presenting to a good portion of this expert group why they are useful (in his PrettyFaces talk). Once again, we see it in this article.

So, Lincoln and I will touch base on a proposal to complete the view metadata processing on initial request to include view action support. I've been meaning to provide a patch for this, but I'm glad that I've got Lincoln to work with since he has some other ideas beyond what I was thinking. (action item)

Second, conditional validation just keeps biting us. I realize graph validation is complex, but we really need to just consider the use case that this guy is bring up (which is the same use case I hear over and over) and just try to think how we would solve it if we were developing the app, then try to reduce that complexity. Bean Validation is excellent for field-level validation, but it really doesn't deal with the "if this, then that" or "this before that" situation. I proposed one solution in the JSF 2 and beyond slides using the postValidate event, but really that isn't much prettier.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen@gmail.com> wrote:
Yep, I just picked up on that, thanks to our trusty #jsf2next tag (and the fact that he called us all out by name).

The way I look at it, these guys have the time to sit down, write their thoughts, and, in this case, create a PDF document. That means they clearly are trying to communicate with us. Let's parse it, see what action items we can take (could simply be updates to javaserverfaces.org or jsfcentral.com) and roll with it. They are doing the hard work for us, we just have to pay attention.


p.s. Keep in mind that I do recognize that e-mail traffic has been heavy and the holidays are approaching, so I'm not pressuring anyone to act immediately. It's just important that we do capture this feedback and do analysis on it in due time. I look forward to what it will reveal.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Lincoln Baxter III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com> wrote:
from @ptrthomas

U, I and #JSF - "still painful after all these years" http://is.gd/5j3GI

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"

Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
