On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Jason Lee <jason@steeplesoftcom> wrote:
On 12/17/09 2:11 PM, Andy Schwartz wrote:
Imre Osswald wrote:
If d) is valid and you push hard enough you can make a) valid too.

But my actual question is, if we publish the questions and answers here on an open list, will they still be usable in an exam? :)

But Imre, if we don't discuss the questions and answers here, how am I ever going to pass this exam?!?

Just kidding! :-)

Wait.  Am I?
My thoughts exactly. ;)  As much as I'd like to think that I'd crush a JSF cert exam, my experience with the SCJP, though admittedly with a much a broader scope, was that it was a lot harder than I'd expected

We should all plan to take the EE 6 exam. Not necessarily for the purpose of passing it, though certainly the results would be interesting in their own right, but to ensure that we can validate the test coverage. For instance, if Andy can't get a behaviors question right, I should think there is something wrong with the question. Same for me and a view parameters question. And I could go on.

I wonder if we should be allowed to have complimentary vouchers.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
