I suppose it depends on whether insertFacet attaches a facet to the parent component or whether it inserts the contents of the facet inline. I suspect the latter. In that case, you woud need to wrap insertFacet in <f:facet>, right?

- Dan Allen

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On Sep 15, 2009 6:43 PM, "Andy Schwartz" <andy.schwartz@oracle.com> wrote:

Gang -

While looking at #{cc} expression handling, I played around with some simple composite components and noticed the following behavior.

If I define a composite component, foo:outer, that accepts a facet:

 <composite:facet name="caption"/>

And then use the component, specifying the facet:

                <f:facet name="caption">
                  <h:outputText value="Hello, Facet! (Outer)"/>

I find that things work as expected if I render the facet in the foo:outer implementation:

 <composite:renderFacet name="caption"/>

And also work just fine if I pass the facet into a Java-based (non-composite) component:

  <composite:insertFacet name="caption"/>

However, if I define a second component, foo:inner, that exposes the same facet:

 <composite:facet name="caption"/>

 <composite:renderFacet name="caption"/>

And then attempt to pass the facet into the foo:inner component from the foo:outer implementation:

  <composite:insertFacet name="caption"/>

My expectation is that the facet would be inserted in to the foo:inner composite component (via the <composite:insertFacet name="caption">) and then rendered by the foo:inner implementation (via the <composite:renderFacet name="caption">).  However, the facet do contents do not appear in the rendered output.

I wasn't sure whether this is a spec issue, implementation or user error, and have not had a chance to debug further.  Want to raise this here in case anyone could comment.

FWIW, this is running against the Mojarra trunk.  I have not tested MyFaces.  (I have attached the two composite components.)
