On 8/17/10 4:32 PM, Blake Sullivan wrote:
The actual performance of the implementation.  We've measured the performance of the current implementation and the overhead is non-negligible.  I agree that if the proposal is to reread the context-parameter on each call, that would be far too expensive.  Faster, if grosser implementations could involve storing a final boolean on the UIComponent.

How about we combine Ed and Kito's proposals?


Due to our iron-clad commitment to backwards compatibility, we keep the
public static final String constants, but alter the behavior, providing
a context-param to restore the old behavior.

The constants will only be honored if the context param is set.


Couldn't you modify the map to return the constant values for the proper keys? That way, they would be read-only values that don't need to be stored, the Map just needs to know the keys.

So, the combined solution would be:

By default these keys are not honored.  Applications that want to call:


Instead of:



Can set a context parameter that forces the the FacesContext implementation to use a Map that specially handles get() calls for the old keys.

For fun, in development project stage we can detect/warn about attempts to reference these attributes by key and recommend the type-safe alternatives.
