Taking a look at the following info from the jcp site:


We have access to a 3 discussion boards:

   * jsr-xxx-public: this is a board to which any registered user can post. Some Expert Groups may choose to use these boards for their primary communication on the JSR's development. As an alternative to viewing the long list of all boards, you can also get to a given JSR's public board by clicking the "jsr-xxx-public" link on the JSR's summary page.
   * jsr-xxx-observers: this is a board to which any registered user may request to be added, to which the JSR's Spec Lead and experts are automatically subscribed. Some Expert Groups may choose to use these boards for their primary communication on the JSR's development, while still others may use it as a mechanism for providing updates to the particularly interested members of the community. To request to be added to a JSR's observer board, use the Observers board request form to ask to be added to the board.
   * jsr-xxx-eg: this is a board that is private to the Specification Lead(s) and Expert Group members for that JSR. Some Expert Groups may choose to use these boards for their primary communication on the JSR's development, using the others as mechanisms for community updates.

Seems like we would want to perform the following mapping

jsr-314-comments is replaced by jsr-314-public.

jsr-314-open is replaced by jsr-314-observers.

jsr-314-eg stays the same (which is not really in use at this point).

kill it or map it to jsr-314-observers

Note that there is some degree of email support available:

Using the boards via e-mail
Many Expert Groups wish to conduct their communications primarily through e-mail. Both the observers and EG-private boards also generate e-mail messages. This allows the people using those boards to choose to use either the board's web interface, or just to interact with the board via e-mail, where it functions like a standard mailing list, or some combination of the two. For instance, if you are on the Expert Group for JSR 500, you could send mail to jsr-500-eg@jcp.org. This message would be distributed to everyone else on the Expert Group via e-mail, as well as being entered in the discussion board for future reference.

But apparently no email love for jsr-314-public.  Roger - any chance you could raise this limitation with your jcp contact?  Ideally we would like email access to the public forum.

It's hard to decipher what this implies. The exclusion of jsr-314-public in this description gives no indication of whether it can or cannot support the e-mail gateway. Surely it must be able to since it's all running the same software.

Also, would everyone be open to putting the old archives of the JSR-314 EG list (before it became JSR-314 open) into the jsr-314-observers forum?


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
