Pete Muir wrote On 3/11/2009 11:48 AM ET:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dan Allen <>
Date: 11 March 2009 15:19:09 GMT
To: Pete Muir <>
Subject: Re: So what's left for 2.0?

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Andy Schwartz <> wrote:
For consistency I think we want to move f:validateBean over to a wrapping strategy that is closer to f:ajax, but want to hear Dan's take on this.  (Dan - I can help walk you through the f:ajax implementation if you have questions about this.)

I'm fine with this. It will take out some ambiguity and it aligns with <s:validateAll> which we have used in Seam. We should still support the validator nested within EditableValueHolder of course as an override, which is consistent with <f:ajax> too.

Yep, sounds good.

I think the next step is to define in text the override strategy. I can do this if you want me to move forward with it.

Sure, that would be great.

(The disable attribute on validator should be renamed to disabled or vice-versa for <f:ajax>; I like the verb better)

For <f:ajax>, we went with "disabled" to be consistent with the "disabled" attribute that shows up on components like h:commandButton, which I suppose is just being consistent with (passing these through to) HTML.

If we go with the nesting strategy, I want to move forward with my idea of making the branch validator a prototype that is cloned on to each child EditableValueHolder. That way we can support validators that are StateHolders (i.e., have properties like regex).

This sounds reasonable.  At the moment AjaxBehavior is immutable - so I think we end up applying a single AjaxBehavior instance to all wrapped components.  However, as part of this item:

- The AjaxBehavior API still needs some cleanup in order to make it usable for programmatic cases (eg. need to add typesafe accessors)

I think we need to make AjaxBehavior mutable (ie. we need to provide type-safe accessors), in which case, we need to change our strategy of sharing a single instance across components.
