On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 12:19 PM, David Geary
<clarity.training@gmail.com> wrote:
+1 from me as well, but shouldn't "should" be "must"?
+1 for me for both mappings, and I agree with David -- "must" is preferred.
2009/11/4 Dan Allen
"If the JSF container is used in a Servlet 3 (or newer) environment, it should register an implementation of ServletContainerInitializer (using Service Providers from the JAR file specification). The ServletContainerInitializer should register the FacesServlet, with a name of Faces Servlet, if an existing servlet is not yet registered with this name. Furthermore, a suffix mapping of *.jsf [and/or a prefix mapping of /faces/*] should be added"
Well said. +1 from me.