In truth, I'd don't really understand why the EL spec is not allowing the null value through. Unless it detects that a primitive value is required by the assignment, it has no right trying to interpret a null value as anything other than null. In that sense, it has nothing to do with expected types, especially when the value is null.


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Martin Marinschek <> wrote:
Hi all,

I don't know if we discussed this already, but today the coercion
issue in the EL made me loose a few hours again. I've had this before,
but seemingly forgot about it - time to follow up on this.

The issue in short: collapsed="#{bb.collapsed}"

Boolean getCollapsed() {
return null;

will lead to a value of "false" for the collapsed attribute if
java.lang.Boolean is set as the expected type of the corresponding
value-expression, according to the EL spec. Hrmmpf.

You can read more in this blog-entry:

Are we going to say that for JSF 2.0 Facelets we will never set the
expected-type? Or are existing EL implementations not following the
spec and this is not a problem in reality (however, at least the one
that I use does follow the spec)?




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