I agree that the article leaves a lot to be desired, demonstrates that the guy has a lot of misinformation, and he probably didn't give JSF 2 an in-depth look (anyone who says it addresses *some* issues has never been to a JSF 2 presentation).

Nonetheless, criticism like this can help in the following areas:

1) Reassure us that the changes we made were needed (I'm just saying, proof that we aren't in that ivory tower anymore)
2) Recognize where we need to improve the message; as Jim points out, Java EE 6 is not a prerequisite for JSF 2
3) Remind us of things to accomplish in jsf2next

It's easy to say that this guy (or Sebastian for that matter) is careless because of spelling or factual errors. Remember that some people don't speak English naively. What we need to do is rinse it and find the intrinsic value. We don't even necessarily have to defend it all w/ direct contact. We simply use it as fuel.

And we are clearly doing all that now. The responses already prove that ;)


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll@sun.com> wrote:

I got as far as: "JSF 2.0, which does address some – yet by n means all – of my biggest issues with JSF is totally out of the question, since it requires JEE6 and the specification has not been finalized until very recently." and pretty much gave up.  I had to wonder how hard it would have been to find out that you can use JSF 2 with Java EE 5.  I have to say I admire Dan's persistence in taking the other points he makes seriously, I'll have to review the doc over my vacation to extract points from it.  One obvious point is that we don't state clearly on our website that JSF 2.0 only requires Servlet 2.5 and JSTL 12.  I'll take that AI.

His email is karl.banke@iternum.com

Anyone want to volunteer to contact him, to correct the factual errors (including the fact that he could probably could have avoided using a 3 1/2 year old spec in favor of a recent one), and tell him we're examining his comments for concrete solutions (or better, turn him to suggesting concrete solutions, with APIs?)


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
