
On this link:


attachment: MYFACES-2638-3.patch

I attached a proposal to fix this issue, based on myfaces code. The idea is
create a event called javax.faces.event.PostBuildRefreshViewEvent. This event
is quite different from the one proposed in:

[jsr-314-open] add component resources depending on the owner component state

because there is one case this one is not published: when partial state saving is
enabled and there is no call to vdl.buildView for refresh. I also notice that there is
no "inheritance" between events, that means, if I have two events and one extends
from the other and there is a listener attached to the parent, when the child event
is raised the listener is not notified.

h:outputScript, h:outputStylesheet, cc:insertChildren, cc:insertFacet needs to attach
its listeners to that event too, to give the chance to relocate their related components
correctly. The listener that track changes on the component tree and mark them to
be saved/restored fully does not need to listen this event.

PostAddToViewEvent/PreRemoveFromViewEvent should continue working as always,
the important here is disable event processing while we are refreshing the view. The side
effect is components added to the component tree when view is refreshed (c:if case) will
not receive that event.

If we want to avoid that side effect, the proposal is change PostBuildRefreshViewEvent
to PostBuildViewEvent, this one will be an event specific for relocation and that one
should be published after the view is build, in other words, in the same place as
we are doing PostBuildRefreshViewEvent but for all cases, but that one requires remove
the register of the listeners to PostAddToViewEvent on h:outputScript and related. Also,
it is necessary to indicate in some way when publish PostAddToViewEvent/
PreRemoveFromViewEvent by facelets algorithm for build/refresh view, because it is there
where we have the knowledge about when propagate it or not.

I think at this point it is clear the problem and the possible direction to solve it, so I'll create
an issue for this one on the spec issue tracker.


Leonardo Uribe

2010/3/30 Leonardo Uribe <lu4242@gmail.com>
Hi Martin

In theory the secod event (PreRemoveFromViewEvent) should not be called
when the view is "refreshed".

The important for me at this point is make clear the problem, but in this point
I think the better is do a prototype with myfaces. It will take some time, but as
soon as I have something I'll publish the results, so we can discuss
a more concrete proposal. I'll integrate also the solution for the problem

"[jsr-314-open] add component resources depending on the owner component state"
because it seems it is related.


Leonardo Uribe

2010/3/30 Martin Marinschek <mmarinschek@apache.org>


> - Create a new event (let's call it PostBuildViewEvent for the moment), that
> is
> propagated every time the view is build (when it is created, restored or
> refreshed before render response). h:outputScript, h:outputStylesheet,
> cc:insertChildren and cc:insertFacet should add a listener for this
> event and handle all relocation code at response of this event.
> - Fix PostAddToViewEvent/PreRemoveFromViewEvent publishing conditions.
> In my opinion this ones should not be called when the view is "refreshed".
> Martin suggestion about the publishing conditions are reasonable.

yes, this sounds good. Leonardo, for the second event, how would you
suggest the publishing to happen (actual sourcecode)?

best regards,



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