
When we use the term jsf2next, we are implying that it is not the MR, but rather the next official milestone. If there is something that needs to be corrected in the MR, please make that distinction. They should be errors or compatibility, showstopper type of problems. I believe that is consistent with what Ed has stated.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Ed Burns <> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 14:35:22 -0500, Kito Mann <> said:

KM> I like this idea... For a long time I've thought it was silly to use a
KM> full-blown URL when it isn't necessary; I've been using URNs for my own
KM> namespaces for a while.

KM> At any rate, the main issue here is consistency with the rest of Java EE --
KM> we should be careful here.

>>>>> On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 13:04:17 -0600, Jason Lee <> said:

JL> On 12/11/09 12:49 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
>> My second choice is (a), so if I lose on (c), I'll be happy with (a)
>> too. I think that (b) is just too vague.
JL> My preference is a, c, then b.

a) jsf:cc:whatevername
b) cc:whatevername
c) jsfcc:whatevername

This issue has been discussed thoroughly and the consensus rests on (a).
I also favor (a).  I have filed [1].

I'm marking it conditionally closed here pending the result of a "heads
up" email to get feedback from the rest of JavaEE.

Finally, we can't make this change in the very next release of the spec
because the very next release will only contain very simple spec
changes.  However, there's nothing stoping implementors from doing it.



Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597