I’ve just sent a pull request with changes in lots of pages, basically UI refinements.

These changes comprehend:

- Updated PatternFly to the last version
- A bunch of adjustments to make it look good with the patternfly update
- Adjusted tables to use only the patternfly code
- Update the roles selector to use patternfly buttons
- Adjusted some content (breadcrumbs, page headings)
- Adjusted the style of “required fields” and borders in many pages
- Account management area: make it look better  and more like the console

I’ve tried to change the selector to use the same style as patternfly, but I didn’t manage to deal with the javascript: https://www.patternfly.org/widgets/#bootstrap-select

In my inspection, I see some usability problems:

- In the registration page, inform the required fields. In the message, inform what fields have problem instead of giving a single message “Please specify first name” each time the user hits enter.
- Modal boxes in the console don’t have explanation text.
- In the pages to define roles, when I move a role from a list to another, there is no feedback of Saved or buttons to Save / Clear. User is unaware if it was saved or not.
- In Applications > Revocation, the “not before” input is disabled and the three buttons appear: “Clear”, “Set To Now”, “Push”. Is this correct? It doesn’t make sense to me.
- In the Audit Log page, remove the links “first page”, “previous page” and “next page” when the table is empty.
- In the Add Realm page, when adding a realm, I got an error, but the realm was created.

My pull request changed lots of files, but there were no conflicts and I tested every page, so I hope to not break anything.


Gabriel Cardoso
User Experience Designer @ Red Hat