Hi all,


Using keycloak 1.9.1, we use an external identity broker which uses SAML (the dutch government). Now we would like to use the saml implementation in keycloak.  For this to function, we need to call our provider with a SAML request containing a specific entityID (“urn:nl:eherkenning:DV:00000003123456780000:entities:9999”) instead of getEntityId(uriInfo, realm) as currently used in the SAMLIdentityProvider. Now my question is two-fold. Is there any reason why the entityId is as specified as of speaking and secondly, am I correct in stating that the only way to change this behavior would be to provide a selfwritten different identity broker? Or would a (selfwritten) patch be sufficient to provide this as an optional parameter to the current SAMLIdentityProvider?


Kind regards,


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