You'll need a bearer token to invoke the services. A token can be obtained either using the direct grant (or resource owner password grant as oauth calls it) or using the standard web flow.

Take a look at:

Or if you are invoking from Java, simply use our Java admin client lib:

On 27 October 2015 at 07:09, Giulio Vito de Musso <> wrote:

Hello you all,

I need to configure realms in Keycloak through the Admin WS accessible at the path


So in Postman I run the following request

URL: http://KeycloakServer:8081/auth/admin/realms

Method: POST


    "enabled": true,
    "id": "TestRealm",

I get a 401 Unauthorized response, so I think it is necessary to authenticate to the Admin WS. But in the docs I cannot find any information about the type of authentication required and the syntax. Do you know how to authenticate to the Keycloak WSs?

Thank you

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