Hi Lance,

if you specify the "grant_type=password" you are using Direct access grants (it's called "Resource Owner Password credentials grant" in OAuth2 specification) documented here [1]

if you specify the "grant_type=client_credentials" you are using Service accounts and you are obtaining token on behalf of client (it's called "Client Credentials grant" in OAuth2 specification) and it's documented here [2]

[1] http://keycloak.github.io/docs/userguide/keycloak-server/html/direct-access-grants.html
[2] http://keycloak.github.io/docs/userguide/keycloak-server/html/service-accounts.html


On 16/05/16 23:19, Lance Ball wrote:
Hi All

I've been updating the keycloak-nodejs-auth-utils module to keep up with recent changes in Keycloak, and one thing I've noticed seems to contradict what's written in the documentation. Can anyone provide clarity on this for me?

In the docs for Direct Access Grants[1] it says, "For confidential client's, you must create a Basic Auth Authorization header that contains the client_id and client secret. And pass in the form parameters for username and for each user credential. For example:"
    POST /auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token
    Authorization: Basic atasdf023l2312023
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

(That's copied and pasted into GMail. I hope the formatting is OK).

But in the keycloak-nodejs-auth-utils module, I am able to obtain a grant without including the username and password. Additionally, I must specify 'client_credentials' as the grant_type [2].

Do I misunderstand what is going on here or is the documentation out of date?


[1] http://keycloak.github.io/docs/userguide/keycloak-server/html/direct-access-grants.html
[2] https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-nodejs-auth-utils/blob/master/lib/grant-manager.js#L71-L79

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