I am adding some OIDC specs JIRAs with possibility how to fix them.
I am including those, which will be easy to fix and I can look into
them later today or tomorrow before PTO :
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3189 - Add 'typ' to JWT
- Add 'kid' to JWT header
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3217 - UserInfo
endpoint not accessible by POST request secured with Bearer
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3147 - OpenID Connect
auth request redirect_uri behaviour not according to spec
- WellKnown endpoint doesn't return
supported types of client authentication
- WellKnown endpoint doesn't support
All of those are quite straightforward and easy to fix IMO.
Besides that, there are those 2, which I first rather want
to confirm what exactly to do:
- https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3221 Tokens not
invalidated if an attempt to reuse code is made
We have just single-use code (which is good), however OAuth2
specs recommends to invalidate existing tokens if an attempt
to reuse code is done. And one OIDC test is in WARNING state
because of it (it tries to access UserInfo endpoint with the
accessToken issued with the reused code).
I can see 2 possibilities to fix:
a) Invalidate just single clientSession where "code" attempt
reuse was made
b) Logout whole userSession
It looks to me that (a) is sufficient solution. The
potential issue with (b) is, that if attacker can steal
code, it gives him the possibility to trigger global logout
of user from all apps. WDYT?
- https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3218 Support for
"max_age" in AuthorizationEndpoint and "auth_time" claim on
The possibility to implement is :
- Add new note AUTH_TIME to UserSessionModel. It will be
time when authentication of user was fully finished
(including requiredActions). Session note is used just so we
don't need to change the model ;)
- If "max_age" parameter was requested, the "auth_time" will
be added to IDToken (or I will re-check specs if we should
rather always add it to IDToken)
- I am also thinking about adding hook to
CookieAuthenticator, so that if max_age parameter was used
and userSession authTime is too "old", the
CookieAuthenticator will be ignored and user will need to
re-authenticate with other authenticators (username/password
form etc). Then authTime will be updated on userSession once
authentication is finished.
That will leave us with bigger things for OIDC Basic
certification ( scope parameter support, possibly 'claims'
param support and 'acr' support).