We don't currently support live deploying of providers and the Keycloak server has to be restarted for updates as well as new providers to be picked up. 

The 'reload' command only results in manual changes to standalone.xml to be reloaded and doesn't have any affect on modules or Keycloak itself. You can use 'shutdown(restart=true)' which will restart the server. I'm afraid you will use active sessions unless you have multiple nodes and increase owners for the userSession cache.

Feel free to create a JIRA to support deploying/repdeploying providers live, but it would most likely be a while until we can get around to it. Unless we get a community contribution around it that is.

On 17 June 2016 at 16:41, Mitya <mitya@cargosoft.ru> wrote:

I'm developing a KeyCloak extension which is packaged as two JBoss modules:
- the extension proper (custom authenticator + custom realm resource + custom admin theme);
- modified org.keycloak.keycloak-model-jpa (since Entity SPI is not yet available).

Each time I make changes, I have to go through a roundabout of stopping KeyCloak, deploying modules and starting KeyCloak again. This can happen as many as several dozen times a day; as soon as I roll a CI infrastructure, the build server will have to do the same. Needless to say, the process is pretty time-consuming; additionally, I'll have to grant permissions to the build server to restart a system service (KeyCloak is deployed as systemd unit). I've tried the following in jboss-cli:

[disconnected /] connect
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] module remove --name=foo.bar.main
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] module add --name=foo.bar.main --resources=... --dependencies=...
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] reload

This doesn't help, despite WildFly reports to have redeployed and restarted KeyCloak. The updated modules are simply not picked up.

Am I missing something? KeyCloak developers, what would you recommend to speed-up the workflow?


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