It would be good to provide a “Documentation” link inside the console that leads to the list of tutorials.


On Jan 16, 2014, at 12:37 AM, Bill Burke <> wrote:

What do we minimally need for documentation for Alpha 1?

* Install/Config Server
* Install/Config Adapters

I'm thinking that screencast tutorials would be much better than
documentation.  IMO, its hard to document UIs.  Its better just seeing
them in action, so for Alpha 1 I'll just do these screencast tutorials:

Tutorial #1:
* Create a realm through admin console for customer-portal demo
* Create roles, user, role mappings, scope mappings, applications etc.
* Obtain a keycloak.json file for the adapter configs.
* enable adapters for customer, product, and database portal.
Tutorial #2:
* Create an oauth-client
* configure third-party example and walk through it
* demo it.
Tutorial #3:
* Create a Google OAuth account
* Enable social login for demo
* Set up default roles
* Enable registration
Tutorial #4:
* Turning on TOTP.
* Managing users
Tutorial #5:
* Setting up SSL

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
keycloak-dev mailing list

Gabriel Cardoso
User Experience Designer @ Red Hat